The Ethics Statements of the Administratie si Management Public journal comply with Elsevier’s statements and policies mainly because the journal is indexed in SCOPUS and in other prestigious international databases for many years.


The Editorial Board, committee members, and reviewers, are committed to upholding the standards of COPE throughout the editorial process. We strongly advise all authors, both current and potential, to visit the COPE website and familiarize themselves with the international guidelines and best practices for research and publication here:

Editors are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the published record by thoroughly reviewing and investigating any reported or suspected misconduct, whether it is related to research, publication, reviewer, or editorial activities. They will work closely with the publisher to address any complaints or concerns and ensure that appropriate measures are taken.

The editors use various measures to maintain ethical standards, including CrossCheck and a specialised plagiarism program own by the publisher and named system to screen for plagiarism during and prior to peer-review, monitoring ethical policies, ensuring confidentiality throughout the review process, and communicating professionally with authors.

To ensure the anonymity of reviewers and authors, we take several steps, including removing any identifying information from the manuscript before submission for review. The editors retain the right to make minor revisions to the text or return it to the author for further revision. In case a manuscript fails to meet the necessary quality research standards, is not within the journal's scope and specificity, or violates legal requirements like plagiarism or copyright infringement, the editors may refuse it without review.


Contribution to editorial decisions

Peer review plays a crucial role in the editorial decision-making process. It assists the editor in deciding whether to accept or reject a manuscript and can also help the author improve their paper. Peer review is a fundamental aspect of formal scholarly communication and is integral to the scientific method. In addition to the ethical responsibilities outlined below, reviewers are expected to treat authors and their work with respect and to adhere to good reviewing practices.

If a chosen reviewers feel that he/she is not qualified to review a manuscript or it is impossible to review it in a timely manner, they should inform the editor and decline to participate in the review process.


Furthermore, it is the reviewer's responsibility to be vigilant of any potential ethical issues in the paper. If they come across any, they should bring them to the editor's attention. This includes any significant similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper that the reviewer may have personal knowledge of. If a reviewer mentions that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported, they should always include the relevant citation. Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. Reviewers must not share the review or information about the paper with anyone or contact the authors directly without permission from the editor.

Some editors encourage discussion with colleagues or co-reviewing exercises, but reviewers should first discuss this with the editor in order to ensure that confidentiality is observed and that participants receive suitable credit.

Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer’s own research without the express written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.

A reviewer should be alert to potential ethical issues in the paper and should bring these to the attention of the editor, including any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which the reviewer has personal knowledge. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation.

Objectivity Standards and Conflicts of Interest in Reviews

Reviews of academic papers should be conducted impartially, without any personal bias. Reviewers must be aware of any potential conflicts of interest they may have and consider them when evaluating a paper. Personal attacks on the author are not acceptable. Referees must express their opinions clearly, providing supporting arguments.

If reviewers have any potential conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, or institutions involved in the paper, they should consult with the editor before agreeing to review it.

In case a reviewer suggests that an author should cite their own work or that of their colleagues, this should be for genuine scientific reasons only.

Reviewers have certain duties and responsibilities that are important for maintaining the integrity of the review process. These duties include:

By following these guidelines and statements, the reviewers can help ensure that the review process remains fair and impartial.


Reporting standards

When reporting original research, it is important to provide an accurate and objective account of the work performed, along with a discussion of its significance. The underlying data should also be represented precisely in the paper. The paper must contain enough details and references to enable others to replicate the work. Making fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements is considered unethical and unacceptable. Similarly, review and professional publication articles should be accurate and objective, and any editorial opinions should be clearly indicated as such.

Data access and retention

When submitting a paper, authors may be asked to provide the research data that supports their work. This request may be made by the editorial team for review or for compliance with the open data requirements of the journal. If possible, authors should make the data publicly accessible and be prepared to keep it for a reasonable number of years after publication. Further details can be found in the journal Guidelines for Authors.

Originality and acknowledgment of sources

It is crucial to ensure that any written work is entirely original. If the authors have used the work or words of others, they must provide proper citations and obtain permission where necessary. Proper acknowledgment of the work of others is essential, and publications that have influenced the reported work must be cited to give the work appropriate context within the larger scholarly record. It is not acceptable to use or report information obtained privately, such as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, without explicit, written permission from the source. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

Multiple, redundant publication

It is considered unethical for an author to publish research manuscripts that essentially describe the same research in more than one primary publication journal. Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously is also unacceptable. In general, authors should refrain from submitting papers to other journals if they have already been submitted to one journal or the research results have been already published as abstract or as part of a lecture, academic thesis, or as an electronic preprint.


Confidential information gained from confidential services such as manuscript refereeing or grant applications cannot be used without explicit written permission from the author.

When it comes to the authorship of a paper, it should only be given to those who have contributed significantly to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study being reported. All co-authors who have made substantial contributions must be listed as such. If others have participated in certain aspects of the paper such as language editing or else, they should be acknowledged in the acknowledgment section.

The corresponding author has the responsibility of ensuring that all appropriate co-authors are included, while also making sure that no inappropriate co-authors are included. Further, the corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication. Before submitting the manuscript, authors are expected to consider carefully the list and order of authors and provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the original submission.

In cases where the addition, deletion, or rearrangement of authors is necessary after the manuscript has been submitted, the author must clearly inform the editor. However, such requests will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and must be agreed upon by all authors. Finally, all authors must take collective responsibility for the work and each individual author is accountable for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

All authors are collectively responsible for the work, and each individual author is accountable for ensuring that any questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Every author has certain duties and responsibilities when submitting a paper to a journal. These include ensuring that the paper is original and written by the authors themselves, has not been published elsewhere, and that all data used is either obtained directly by the authors or with legal permission from other independent sources. The data must be original and not manipulated, and all sources used in the paper must be cited clearly. The paper must not infringe on any copyrights, and any funding received must be acknowledged. It is important to avoid conflicts of interest between co-authors or third parties, and any changes to the authorship list must be approved by the entire team beforehand. If any errors are discovered, the author must contact the editor to correct them immediately, prior to the text being published online. All authors must sign a statement agreeing to the publication of the paper in the journal and must participate in the peer-review process in a timely and polite manner. If authors agree to make changes, they must provide the corrections promptly. If they do not agree with reviewers' recommendations or other remarks, they must provide objections with a detailed explanation. Minor corrections to the contents, including the title, phrasing, and style, must be accepted by the authors.



When conducting research involving human subjects, it is the author's responsibility to ensure that all procedures are carried out in compliance with relevant laws and institutional guidelines, and approved by the appropriate institutional committee(s). The manuscript should include a statement that informed consent was obtained from the human subjects for experimentation, and that their privacy rights must always be respected.

For studies involving human subjects, the author must ensure that the research is conducted in accordance with The Code of Ethics (Declaration of Helsinki).

If an author wants to include case details or personal information or images of any other individuals, appropriate consents, permissions, and releases must be obtained.


The Administratie si Management Publishing Board strives to adhere to the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers set forth by COPE. This includes the following commitments: