Administratie si Management Public (AMP) publishes original research papers based on interdisciplinary empirical research, using innovative research methods for collecting, processing, and analyzing results.

The general topics covered by the articles have to be public administration, public management, public services, public policies, governance, civil services, civil servants’ role, human resources management in the public sector, and other connected topics based on an interdisciplinary modern approach of the research.

The AMP journal is published twice a year: Issue 1 – June 30; Issue 2 – December 30. Manuscripts together with the agreements may be submitted throughout the year, preferably until the end of April and the end of October to the e-mail address of the journal: submission_paper@amp.ase.ro

The research results have to be original, interesting and contribute significantly to the development of knowledge in the targeted areas.

The proposals sent to the AMP journal must be in line with the specifics of the journal, and address topics related to public administration, public management, public policy, public services, governance, and other interdisciplinary topics.

Each proposal submitted for publication in the journal must be accompanied by the AMP Publishing Agreement Form and the AMP Copyright and Ethics Agreement Form. The authors have to download them from the journal website, fill in, sign, scan and send them together with their manuscript.

The Editorial team members respectfully inform the authors who choose to submit manuscripts to the AMP journal that they have complied with the requirements of the journal described in the dedicated sections. Failure by the authors to comply with these important requirements will result in the rejection of the manuscript in the preliminary evaluation stage with little chance of being retransmitted later.


Research submissions are read first by the Editorial Board members, who assign a general priority level: (a) manuscripts sent to reviewers immediately; (b) manuscripts returned to authors with suggestions for improvement; and (c) manuscripts not suitable for publication in the AMP journal.

The responsible editor checks the quality of the article according to the following criteria:

- the topic and the contribution corresponding to the criteria defined by the journal;

- the formal treatment of the contribution following the Information for Authors, including the prescribed formatting/template for a scientific article;

- the stylistic and linguistic level is required;

- the citations in the content and references list of the used literature are arranged properly and according to the existing APA standards.

The editor has the right to reject manuscripts that are not in accordance with the journal’s editorial purpose and do not meet the above criteria and the secretariat office informs the authors about this matter via e-mail.

Based on the editor’s positive preliminary review, the contribution is submitted to the peer-review process. The editors make the decision based on the reviews received as well as the priority of the topic for the AMP journal. The Editorial Office and the Editorial Board retain the right to reject the manuscripts.

If an error is discovered after publication, it will be corrected by an erratum, retraction, or in-line (dated) correction. Authors and readers are encouraged to inform the publisher and Editor-in-Chief if they notice anything that should be corrected. Reported errors will be investigated by the publisher and Editor-in-Chief, and discussed with the authors. The appropriate correction will be made after this consultation. Articles will be retracted if there is evidence of unethical research, unreliable data, misconduct, or plagiarism, or if there are sufficient mistakes to invalidate the article.


Anyone identified as an author must have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the research and to the writing of the article. They must be willing to take a shared responsibility in the research and in the article and approve the final version to be published. Anyone who does not fulfil the criteria but has contributed to either the research or the writing of the article should be acknowledged and thanked in the “Acknowledgement” section at the end of the article, before the References section.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce anything (e.g. figure, table, text) that has been previously published or created by another person. On request from the Editorial Office or Publisher, they should be able to supply evidence of such permission.

Any changes to authorship either during the peer review process or after acceptance are not accepted.

Information about article preparation and how to submit can be found in the section Information for Authors.


The AMP Editorial Board and the scientific committee members recommend that authorship should be based on the following 4 criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
  3. Final approval of the version to be published;
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

All authors are responsible for ensuring that: the manuscript is their own original work, and does not duplicate any other previously published work, including their own previously published work; the manuscript has been submitted only to this journal; it is not under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or in the press or published elsewhere; the manuscript contains nothing that is abusive, defamatory, fraudulent, or illegal.

All these aspects are found in the AMP Copyright & Ethics Agreement Form which must be signed by each author, then scanned (pdf/jpg) and sent together with the manuscript and the AMP Publishing Agreement Form to the editorial office at the indicated address.

Non-compliance with any of the above conditions will be considered misconduct and dealt with accordingly. Equally, if authors are found guilty of infringing any of the above, the publisher reserves the right to reject the proposal and to apply penalties to the involved authors.


AMP editorial team asks its reviewers to declare possible conflicts of interest related to the manuscripts under review. Each reviewer declares whether he or she is in conflict of interest with any of the authors of the paper before completing the evaluation report. The proposal will be redistributed if the editorial board identifies the existence of such a conflict.


The Editorial Board of AMP is devoted to the promotion of scientific integrity as a vital component of the research process. AMP uses plagiarism softs for dealing with cases of possible misconduct. The integrity check is part of the checks that are made for each received proposal in the preliminary stage, which precedes the evaluation of the scientific content of the paper.

The editing team is using a special plagiarism checker https://sistemantiplagiat.ro/despre-sistem/ program under the Licence of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. This special program checks the manuscripts and determines two specific coefficients C1 and C2.

C1 reflects the percentage of the text with all fragments of at least 5 similar words discovered by the system in other documents.

C2 reflects the percentage of the text with all fragments of at least 25 similar words found by the system in other documents. According to the policy of the AMP journal, C1 <= 30% and C2 <= 5%.

Documents over these percentages cannot automatically be considered as cases of plagiarism. The editorial team of the journal analyses each case and decides in such situations.


As all editors and Editorial Board members at the Journal are active professionals and researchers, it may happen that they would want to submit their articles to AMP. This represents a potential conflict of interest, especially in cases of submissions from decision-making editors. In reviewing submissions from its editors and Editorial Board members, AMP follows the guidelines for good editorial practice set by international editorial organizations. The review of such manuscripts is not handled by the submitting editor(s); the review process will be supervised and the decisions made by an external editor who will act independently of the journal editors. In some cases, the review process will be handled by an outside independent expert to minimize possible bias in reviewing submissions from editors.


The full text of all articles published in the Administratie si Management Public journal is provided in open access on the journal webpage http://www.ramp.ase.ro and in several international databases where the journal is indexed. AMP journal offers fully open access to researchers, policy-makers, and other stakeholders from all over the world.

All the authors agree on the fact that all publications can be freely accessed, shared, copied, and redistributed in any medium or format, adapted, remixed, and built up for any purpose with a single condition to mention the reference correctly.

AMP publishes under Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) license , which means that all published articles can be:

- Shared – copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and/or

- Adapted – remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

We are committed to keeping articles freely available, with Creative Commons License.


There is no fee for publishing an article, but the authors whose proposal is accepted for publishing should make one subscription each, to the journal. The editorial board may decide the exceptions to this requirement. The AMP Subscription Form is here. The total amount for one subscription per year, meaning 2 issues of the AMP journal is published yearly on the journal webpage within the specific form content. In about three months after requesting the subscription and registering the payment for it, the authors will receive the journal by mail to the university address of the corresponding author. The cost of the postal services is covered by the publisher, and all other costs, including bank transfers and VAT (if the case), must be covered by the subscribers/authors.


The AMP Copyright & Ethics Agreement has to be filled, signed by each author, scanned by the corresponding author, and sent together with the AMP Publishing Agreement Form and the manuscript.


Reviewers should not be in a conflict of interest with any of the authors of the manuscript received for evaluation. Before evaluating the paper, the reviewers must declare the absence of a conflict of interest with the authors. If this condition is met, the reviewer has about 4-6 weeks to complete and deliver the evaluation report of the manuscript received.

If a reviewer delays the submission of the evaluation report, then the paper is redistributed to another reviewer who follows the terms of the journal. At least two evaluators are involved in the evaluation process, as well as a statistical editor if the manuscript contains a statistical analysis of data. Following the evaluation process, the reviewers have to complete an AMP Evaluation Report Form. The evaluation report contains their recommendation regarding the evaluated work, respectively: acceptance without modifications, acceptance with modifications, or rejection. The last two recommendations have to be accompanied by convincing, clear, and consistent explanations and arguments.


Authors who choose to submit proposals to the AMP journal should know and comply with all requirements communicated on the journal's website, especially: the AMP Template for Proposals, the particularities of writing on the first page, the structure of the manuscript, and the references listed in the APA system.

Authors have to submit the manuscript together with the AMP Copyright & Ethics Agreement Form and AMP Publishing Agreement Form, as is explained in the Information for Authors section.


The editorial board has the authority to decline submissions that do not align with the journal's editorial goal, specificity, and criteria, and will notify the author of this via email. If the editor approves the submission, it proceeds to the peer review process. This process involves at least two independent reviewers, with one being from a different country than the author, who assess the quality of the article and propose further action.

The evaluation focuses on the following criteria:

  1. The proposal's subject should align with the journal's overall topic.
  2. The contribution's theme should be relevant and appealing to specialized readers.
  3. The title and abstract should accurately reflect the proposal's content.
  4. The research goals must be clearly defined and articulated.
  5. The theoretical argument should be appropriate and well-articulated.
  6. Research methods used to address the issue should be presented and explained clearly.
  7. Research results should be original, scientifically valuable, and contribute to the field.
  8. The main results and conclusions should be clearly formulated.
  9. The manuscript should have a clear structure that aligns with the established research goals.
  10. The author's critical perspectives on the issue analyzed should be appropriate and included.
  11. The conclusions and results of the research should be valuable and original.
  12. The bibliography and information sources should be sufficient, up-to-date, and in line with the APA reference system requested by the Authors Guidelines.
The review process typically takes about three months. Articles recommended for publication are sent to the Editorial Board for final approval without the author's name, affiliation, or acknowledgment. The Editorial Board has the final decision to include the article in the journal.

Each author is notified of the peer review outcome via email and has the right to comment on the review reports. If the author protests the review reports, the Executive Editor and responsible editor will investigate the reservations within 30 days and inform the author of the results.

The Editorial Office and the Editorial Board retain the right to reject submissions. The author retains all copyrights without limitations and has no obligations that would hinder providing the licence to the publisher. The author grants the publisher the right to use the work.